USB MEMS Controller “USB-SL MZ“
Mirrorcle Technologies MZ Controller User Guide (PDF Download)
Mirrorcle Technologies Hardware Guide (PDF Download)
Mirrorcle-designed controller with a fast Microchip PIC32MZ MCU. Provides USB communication, driving for MEMS devices, synchronization with other systems, and programmable hardware filtering to avoid overshoot and ringing. Controller is USB bus-powered and provides power for the embedded MEMS driver and low-power peripherals. System can therefore run solely on a laptop powered by its battery. Interfacing with the Controller is provided by Windows applications and APIs (C++, Matlab, LabView), as shown in many SDK examples and executables included with the Mirrorcle Software Suite (sold separately). Limited MEMS driving functionality is also possible via serial terminal commands.

USB-SL MZ Controller
Programmable hardware-based low-pass filters and protection circuitry to reduce the chances of device damage
Output bandwidth from 50Hz to 25kHz (governed by programmable filters)
4x (16-bit) (0-200V) Analog Outputs for X and Y axis control of MEMS mirrors
Sample Rates
up to 120,000 samples per second (120 kSPS)
2x (12-bit) Analog Inputs
with +/- 10V input range
Sync Port for synchronization with
additional Controllers or driving of laser peripherals
USB Plug and Play support
8x Correlated Digital Outputs (3.3V)
for controlling other components or systems
500kB of Onboard RAM
allows up to 100,000 samples to be stored
Flash Memory allows storage of settings and data
for stand-alone operation (no PC)
Separate analog input port (Add-On purchase laser tracking)
for a laser tracking photosensor
Wireless option (Add-On purchase)
allows battery-run wireless operation over Bluetooth
Mirrorcle Technologies MZ Controller USER Guide (PDF Download)
USB MEMS OCCIE 1.x Controller
USB MEMS OCCIE 1.x Controller
OCCIE Controller User Guide (PDF Download)
The OCCIE 1.1 controller interfaces with Windows Applications for Scan Control and software command that results in MEMS mirror scans and repeatable patterns.
Features and Specifications:
*This product is available with 1k/month volumes, with a 3 month lead time, and is mass production line ready

- USB Powered MEMS Controller: OCCIE 1.1
- <800mW Power Consumption
- Host Connector with 2 Analog Inputs
- Host Connector with 4 Digital Synchronization Outputs
- Digital Output connector with 8 Digital Outputs
- Minimum 5 order quantity, Provided without box and cables in production quantities
- OCCIE Controller User Guide (PDF Download)
“SensLite represents Mirrorcle products in Taiwan local market only, please contact for inquiry in Taiwan.
Please visit for other global sales.”
MiniMZ Controller

Dimensions: Approx. 70mm x 70mm x 40mm
The MiniMZ 1.x controller interfaces with Windows Applications for Scan Control and software command that results in MEMS mirror scans and repeatable patterns.
Production-line ready, available in volumes with a 3 month lead time.
MiniMZ Controller User Guide (PDF Download)
Features & Specifications
4x (16-bit) Analog Outputs
for X and Y axis control of MEMS mirrors
Sample Rates
up to 120,000 samples per second (120 kSPS)
2x (12-bit) Analog Inputs
with +/- 10V input range
Sync Port for synchronization with
additional Controllers or driving of laser peripherals
USB Plug and Play support
8x Correlated Digital Outputs (3.3V)
for controlling other components or systems
500kB of Onboard RAM
allows up to 100,000 samples to be stored
Flash Memory allows storage of settings and data
for stand-alone operation (no PC)
Separate analog input port (Add-On purchase laser tracking)
for a laser tracking photosensor
Wireless option (Add-On purchase)
allows battery-run wireless operation over Bluetooth
Do you offer any in-house API and DLL controller/driver platform? And if yes, what are the advantages of such a platform?
As a Controller/Driver platform with the USB-SL MZ MEMS Controller for application development, we completely design and manufacture in-house. This allowed us to build the firmware and software up from scratch, always with possible events with mind that may affect safe device operation, such as stop or start operations etc. The software development kit (SDK) that runs with this MEMS Controller has some of the same demo executables and the same feel as our older versions, and includes additional functionality and options. Underneath is a fully proprietary API and DLL which is designed specifically for MEMS mirror control.
One advantage of this solution is that Mirrorcle Technologies owns all of the circuitry, which becomes interesting to customers who aim to integrate this driver platform into their own products. Another advantage is that this product includes laser driving control that can be synchronized with mirror movement. There is a very good laser driver circuit on board, giving 1-bit digital modulation at ~100kHz rates. The controller has a correlated digital output port has an 8-bit output that can be programmed in 255 levels using commands in the API. It can drive blue/green, or red lasers, but when delivered with a development kit, it will drive a red laser diode module by default.