MEMS Drivers

MEMS Driver – Digital Input       “PicoAmp 5.x

MEMS Driver – Digital Input       “PicoAmp 5.x
  • Each unit uses a serial 16-bit DAC to convert a serial digital stream (interface from user’s microcontroller or FPGA) to four channels (bias differential method) to drive MTI MEMS mirror devices to full angles. Wide bandwidth actuation. Also included is protection circuitry to reduce the chances of device damage. Safe operation further relies on the customer-provided clock signal for setting the cut-off frequency of on-board low-pass filters (that frequency should be set based on recommended value in each device datasheet). A DC supply voltage must also be provided on the input header.
  • INPUT: 10-pin header connector (0.05″, 2 rows, vertical) with SPI digital interface and other connections
  • OUTPUT: 10-pin header connector (0.05″, 2 rows, right angle) with four (4) channels of MEMS driving voltages between ~0V – 200V for capacitive MEMS loads (low current)
  • Includes a fast, 16-bit 4-channel DAC to convert a serial digital stream (interface from user’s microcontroller or FPGA) to four (4) built-in hardware Low-Pass-Filters
    • A clock waveform on the corresponding input pin is required to set the LPF cut-off
  • Powered by +5VDC (4.9V-5.1V) provided by user on input header connector with power consumption of ~75-85mW

MEMS Driver – Analog Input       “BDQ PicoAmp 5.x”

MEMS Driver – Analog Input       “BDQ PicoAmp 5.x”
  • Takes two analog inputs from input header connector (specified below) and converts to four channels (bias-differential method) to drive MTI MEMS mirror devices to full angles. Wide bandwidth of actuation. Also included is protection circuitry to reduce the possibility of device damage. Safe operation further relies on the customer-provided clock signal for setting the cut-off frequency of on-board low-pass filters (that frequency should be set based on recommended value in each device datasheet). A dc supply voltage must also be provided on the input header.
  • INPUT: 10-pin header connector (0.05″, 2 rows, vertical) with analog input for X- and Y-axis (voltage range -10V to +10V, with 0V for origin), and other connections
  • OUTPUT: 10-pin header connector (0.05″, 2 rows, right angle) with four (4) channels of MEMS driving voltages for capacitive loads (low output currents)
    • B160 Option: Vbias = 80V, Range 0V – 160V
    • T180 Option: Vbias = 90V, Rnage 0V – 180V
    • X200 Option: Vbias = 100V, Range 0V – 200V
  • Includes four (4) built-in hardware Low-Pass-Filters
    • A clock waveform on the corresponding input pin is required to set the LPF cut-off
  • Powered by +5VDC (4.9V-5.1V) provided by user on input header connector with power consumption of ~75mW

Breakout PCBA for Input connector of MEMS Drivers, P/N: BRK-DRIVER-5.x

  • PCBA which breaks out the input connection side of both digital and analog-input MEMS driver to easy to use terminals or test points / pins. Each pin of the 10-pin connector has its own screw terminal connection and easy to read label. Recommended and prepared for first-time users of Mirrorcle’s MEMS Drivers. Typically a new user should purchase one of these PCBAs with the first purchase of a MEMS Driver 5.x.
  • INPUT: Screw terminals, test points, connect pins – multiple options for easy connections to the driver inputs.
  • OUTPUT: 10-pin header connector (0.05″, 2 rows, right angle) which can be directly connected to MEMS Drivers (Analog and Digital) of 5.x generations.

Detailed Descriptions and Helpful Downloads:

Mirrorcle Technologies Hardware Guide (PDF Download)

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